Log Utility Problem
The full solution can be found at 1d_problem.ipynb. The split and merge solution can be found at 1d_problem_split.ipynb.
Problem Setup
This is Proposition 4 from Brunnermeier and Sannikov 20141
In the deep neural network, we don't have to fit the initial guess function as in PyMacroFin any more.
\(q\) should satisfy \(q(0)=\frac{\underline{a} - \iota(q(0))}{r}\). We rewrite with \(\iota(q) = \frac{q^2-1}{2\kappa}\), and simplify:
We rewrite the equations defining \(\sigma_t^q\), and use the following equations and endogenous equations for training the model, with an additional constraint \(\psi \leq 1\).
We constrain \(\psi\) by \(\psi \leq 1\)
Endogenous equations:
Import necessary packages
Define latex variable mapping
latex_var_mapping = { r"\sigma_t^q": "sigq", r"\sigma_t^\theta": "sigtheta", r"\sigma_t^\eta": "sige", r"\mu_t^\eta": "mue", r"\mu_t^q": "muq", r"\mu_t^\theta": "mutheta", r"\rho": "rho", r"\underline{a}": "ah", r"\underline{\delta}": "deltah", r"\delta": "deltae", r"\sigma": "sig", r"\kappa": "kappa", r"\eta": "e", r"\theta": "theta", r"\psi": "psi", r"\iota": "iota", r"\Phi": "phi", }
Define the problem. We use ReLU as activation function, due to the discontinuity in the first order derivative. Also, we apply a fixed grid sampling method.
set_seeds(0) pde_model = PDEModel("BruSan14_log_utility", {"sampling_method": SamplingMethod.FixedGrid, "batch_size": 200, "num_epochs": 10000, "loss_log_interval": 100, "optimizer_type": OptimizerType.Adam}, latex_var_mapping=latex_var_mapping) pde_model.set_state(["e"], {"e": [0.01, 0.99]}) pde_model.add_endogs(["q", "psi"], configs={ "q": { "positive": True, "hidden_units": [50, 50], "activation_type": ActivationType.ReLU, }, "psi": { "positive": True, "hidden_units": [50, 50], "activation_type": ActivationType.ReLU, } }) pde_model.add_params({ "sig": .1, "deltae": .05, "deltah": .05, "rho": .06, "r": .05, "a": .11, "ah": .07, "kappa": 2, }) pde_model.add_endog_condition("q", "q(SV)*r + (q(SV) * q(SV) - 1) / (2*kappa) - ah", {"SV": torch.zeros((1, 1)), "r": 0.05, "ah": .07, "kappa": 2,}, Comparator.EQ, "0", {}, label="q_min") pde_model.add_equation(r"$\iota = \frac{q^2-1}{ 2 * \kappa}$") pde_model.add_equation(r"$\sigma_t^q = \frac{\sigma}{1 - \frac{1}{q} * \frac{\partial q}{\partial \eta} * (\psi - \eta)} - \sigma$") pde_model.add_equation(r"$\sigma_t^\eta = \frac{\psi - \eta}{\eta} * (\sigma + \sigma_t^q)$") pde_model.add_equation(r"$\mu_t^\eta = (\sigma_t^\eta)^2 + \frac{a - \iota}{q} + (1-\psi) * (\underline{\delta} - \delta) - \rho$") pde_model.add_constraint("psi", Comparator.LEQ, "1") pde_model.add_endog_equation(r"$(\sigma + \sigma_t^q) ^2 * (\psi / \eta - (1-\psi) / (1-\eta)) = \frac{a - \underline{a}}{q} + \underline{\delta} - \delta$") pde_model.add_endog_equation(r"$(r*(1-\eta) + \rho * \eta) * q = \psi * a + (1-\psi) * \underline{a} - \iota$")
Train and evaluate
To load a trained model
Plot the solutions
Implementation (Split and Merge)
Instead of solving the problem on both regions as a whole, we can separately solve two problems and merge the solutions.
In the first region \(\psi < 1\), we need to solve for both \(q\) and \(\psi\). The boundary conditions are
The equations to solve for equilibrium are
In the second region \(\psi = 1\), we only need to solve for \(q\) with a single equation:
Solve for region 1.
set_seeds(0) pde_model = PDEModel("BruSan14_log_utility", {"sampling_method": SamplingMethod.FixedGrid, "batch_size": 1000, "num_epochs": 20000, "loss_log_interval": 100, "optimizer_type": OptimizerType.Adam}, latex_var_mapping=latex_var_mapping) pde_model.set_state(["e"], {"e": [0.001, 0.999]}) pde_model.add_endogs(["q", "psi"], configs={ "q": { "positive": True, "activation_type": ActivationType.SiLU, }, "psi": { "positive": True, "activation_type": ActivationType.SiLU, } }) pde_model.add_params({ "sig": .1, "deltae": .05, "deltah": .05, "rho": .06, "r": .05, "a": .11, "ah": .07, "kappa": 2, }) pde_model.add_endog_condition("q", "q(SV)", {"SV": torch.zeros((1, 1))}, Comparator.EQ, "-kappa*r + (kappa**2*r**2 + 1 + 2*ah*kappa)**0.5", {"r": 0.05, "ah": .07, "kappa": 2}, label="q_min", weight=100) pde_model.add_endog_condition("q", "q(SV)", {"SV": torch.ones((1, 1))}, Comparator.EQ, "-kappa*rho + (kappa**2*rho**2 + 1 + 2*a*kappa)**0.5", {"rho": 0.06, "a": .11, "kappa": 2}, label="q_max", weight=100) pde_model.add_endog_condition("psi", "psi(SV)", {"SV": torch.zeros((1, 1))}, Comparator.EQ, "0", {}, label="psi_min", weight=100) pde_model.add_endog_condition("psi", "psi(SV)", {"SV": torch.ones((1, 1))}, Comparator.EQ, "1", {}, label="psi_max", weight=100) pde_model.add_equation(r"$\iota = \frac{q^2-1}{ 2 * \kappa}$") pde_model.add_equation(r"$\sigma_t^q = \frac{\sigma}{1 - \frac{1}{q} * \frac{\partial q}{\partial \eta} * (\psi - \eta)} - \sigma$") pde_model.add_equation(r"$\sigma_t^\eta = \frac{\psi - \eta}{\eta} * (\sigma + \sigma_t^q)$") pde_model.add_equation(r"$\mu_t^\eta = (\sigma_t^\eta)^2 + \frac{a - \iota}{q} + (1-\psi) * (\underline{\delta} - \delta) - \rho$") pde_model.add_endog_equation(r"$(r*(1-\eta) + \rho * \eta) * q = \psi * a + (1-\psi) * \underline{a} - \iota$", loss_reduction=LossReductionMethod.SSE) pde_model.add_endog_equation(r"$(\sigma + \sigma_t^q) ^2 * \frac{q * (\psi - \eta)}{\eta * (1-\eta)} = (a - \underline{a}) + (\underline{\delta} - \delta) * q$", loss_reduction=LossReductionMethod.SSE, weight=2) pde_model.train_model("./models/BruSan14_log_utility_relu_split", "region1.pt", True) pde_model.load_model(torch.load("./models/BruSan14_log_utility_relu_split/region1_best.pt")) pde_model.eval_model(True)
Compute and plot the results specifically for region 1. We can simply use
function inPDEModel
class to update all variables of interest.N = 1000 SV = torch.linspace(0, 1, N, device=pde_model.device).reshape(-1, 1) x_plot = SV.detach().cpu().numpy().reshape(-1) for i, sv_name in enumerate(pde_model.state_variables): pde_model.variable_val_dict[sv_name] = SV[:, i:i+1] pde_model.update_variables(SV) q_region1 = pde_model.variable_val_dict["q"].detach().cpu().numpy().reshape(-1) psi_region1 = pde_model.variable_val_dict["psi"].detach().cpu().numpy().reshape(-1) sigq_region1 = pde_model.variable_val_dict["sigq"].detach().cpu().numpy().reshape(-1) esige_region1 = (SV * pde_model.variable_val_dict["sige"]).detach().cpu().numpy().reshape(-1) emue_region1 = (SV * pde_model.variable_val_dict["mue"]).detach().cpu().numpy().reshape(-1) er_region1 = (pde_model.variable_val_dict["psi"] / (SV * (pde_model.variable_val_dict["sig"] + pde_model.variable_val_dict["sigq"])**2)).detach().cpu().numpy().reshape(-1) xlabel = "$\eta$" plot_args = [ {"y": q_region1, "ylabel": r"$q$", "title": r"$q$ vs. $\eta$"}, {"y": psi_region1, "ylabel": r"$\psi$", "title": r"$\psi$ vs. $\eta$"}, {"y": sigq_region1, "ylabel": r"$\sigma^q$", "title": r"$\sigma^q$ vs. $\eta$"}, {"y": esige_region1, "ylabel": r"$\eta\sigma^{\eta}$", "title": r"$\eta\sigma^{\eta}$ vs. $\eta$"}, {"y": emue_region1, "ylabel": r"$\eta\mu^{\eta}$", "title": r"$\eta\mu^{\eta}$ vs. $\eta$"}, {"y": er_region1, "ylabel": r"$E[dr_t^k-dr_t]/dt$", "title": r"$E[dr_t^k-dr_t]/dt$ vs. $\eta$"}, ] fig, ax = plt.subplots(2, 3, figsize=(18, 12)) for i, plot_arg in enumerate(plot_args): row = i // 3 col = i % 3 curr_ax = ax[row, col] curr_ax.plot(x_plot, plot_arg["y"]) curr_ax.set_xlabel(xlabel) curr_ax.set_ylabel(plot_arg["ylabel"]) curr_ax.set_title(plot_arg["title"]) plt.tight_layout() plt.show()
Solve for region 2.
set_seeds(0) pde_model = PDEModel("BruSan14_log_utility", {"sampling_method": SamplingMethod.FixedGrid, "batch_size": 1000, "num_epochs": 2000, "loss_log_interval": 100, "optimizer_type": OptimizerType.Adam}, latex_var_mapping=latex_var_mapping) pde_model.set_state(["e"], {"e": [0.001, 0.999]}) pde_model.add_endogs(["q"], configs={ "q": { "positive": True, "activation_type": ActivationType.SiLU, } }) pde_model.add_params({ "sig": .1, "deltae": .05, "deltah": .05, "rho": .06, "r": .05, "a": .11, "ah": .07, "kappa": 2, }) pde_model.add_equation(r"$\iota = \frac{q^2-1}{ 2 * \kappa}$") pde_model.add_equation(r"$\sigma_t^q = \frac{\sigma}{1 - \frac{1}{q} * \frac{\partial q}{\partial \eta} * (1 - \eta)} - \sigma$") pde_model.add_equation(r"$\sigma_t^\eta = \frac{1 - \eta}{\eta} * (\sigma + \sigma_t^q)$") pde_model.add_equation(r"$\mu_t^\eta = (\sigma_t^\eta)^2 + \frac{a - \iota}{q} - \rho$") pde_model.add_endog_equation(r"$(r*(1-\eta) + \rho * \eta) * q = a - \iota$", loss_reduction=LossReductionMethod.SSE) pde_model.train_model("./models/BruSan14_log_utility_relu_split", "region2.pt", True) pde_model.load_model(torch.load("./models/BruSan14_log_utility_relu_split/region2_best.pt")) pde_model.eval_model(True)
Compute and plot the results specifically for region 2.
N = 1000 SV = torch.linspace(0, 1, N, device=pde_model.device).reshape(-1, 1) x_plot = SV.detach().cpu().numpy().reshape(-1) for i, sv_name in enumerate(pde_model.state_variables): pde_model.variable_val_dict[sv_name] = SV[:, i:i+1] pde_model.update_variables(SV) q_region2 = pde_model.variable_val_dict["q"].detach().cpu().numpy().reshape(-1) sigq_region2 = pde_model.variable_val_dict["sigq"].detach().cpu().numpy().reshape(-1) esige_region2 = (SV * pde_model.variable_val_dict["sige"]).detach().cpu().numpy().reshape(-1) emue_region2 = (SV * pde_model.variable_val_dict["mue"]).detach().cpu().numpy().reshape(-1) er_region2 = (1 / (SV * (pde_model.variable_val_dict["sig"] + pde_model.variable_val_dict["sigq"])**2)).detach().cpu().numpy().reshape(-1) xlabel = "$\eta$" plot_args = [ {"y": q_region2, "ylabel": r"$q$", "title": r"$q$ vs. $\eta$"}, {"y": np.ones_like(x_plot), "ylabel": r"$\psi$", "title": r"$\psi$ vs. $\eta$"}, {"y": sigq_region2, "ylabel": r"$\sigma^q$", "title": r"$\sigma^q$ vs. $\eta$"}, {"y": esige_region2, "ylabel": r"$\eta\sigma^{\eta}$", "title": r"$\eta\sigma^{\eta}$ vs. $\eta$"}, {"y": emue_region2, "ylabel": r"$\eta\mu^{\eta}$", "title": r"$\eta\mu^{\eta}$ vs. $\eta$"}, {"y": er_region2, "ylabel": r"$E[dr_t^k-dr_t]/dt$", "title": r"$E[dr_t^k-dr_t]/dt$ vs. $\eta$"}, ] fig, ax = plt.subplots(2, 3, figsize=(18, 12)) for i, plot_arg in enumerate(plot_args): row = i // 3 col = i % 3 curr_ax = ax[row, col] curr_ax.plot(x_plot, plot_arg["y"]) curr_ax.set_xlabel(xlabel) curr_ax.set_ylabel(plot_arg["ylabel"]) curr_ax.set_title(plot_arg["title"]) plt.tight_layout() plt.show()
Merge the results using \(\psi\) as the final solution.
index_unconstrain = (psi_region1 < 1) index_constrain = (psi_region1 >= 1) q_nn = q_region1 * index_unconstrain + q_region2 * index_constrain psi_nn = psi_region1 * index_unconstrain + 1 * index_constrain sigq_nn = sigq_region1 * index_unconstrain + sigq_region2 * index_constrain esig_nn = esige_region1 * index_unconstrain + esige_region2 * index_constrain emue_nn = emue_region1 * index_unconstrain + emue_region2 * index_constrain er_nn = er_region1 * index_unconstrain + er_region2 * index_constrain xlabel = "$\eta$" plot_args = [ {"y": q_nn, "ylabel": r"$q$", "title": r"$q$ vs. $\eta$"}, {"y": psi_nn, "ylabel": r"$\psi$", "title": r"$\psi$ vs. $\eta$"}, {"y": sigq_nn, "ylabel": r"$\sigma^q$", "title": r"$\sigma^q$ vs. $\eta$"}, {"y": esig_nn, "ylabel": r"$\eta\sigma^{\eta}$", "title": r"$\eta\sigma^{\eta}$ vs. $\eta$"}, {"y": emue_nn, "ylabel": r"$\eta\mu^{\eta}$", "title": r"$\eta\mu^{\eta}$ vs. $\eta$"}, {"y": er_nn, "ylabel": r"$E[dr_t^k-dr_t]/dt$", "title": r"$E[dr_t^k-dr_t]/dt$ vs. $\eta$"}, ] fig, ax = plt.subplots(2, 3, figsize=(18, 12)) for i, plot_arg in enumerate(plot_args): row = i // 3 col = i % 3 curr_ax = ax[row, col] curr_ax.plot(x_plot, plot_arg["y"]) curr_ax.set_xlabel(xlabel) curr_ax.set_ylabel(plot_arg["ylabel"]) curr_ax.set_title(plot_arg["title"]) plt.tight_layout() plt.show()
Brunnermeier, Markus K. and Sannikov, Yuliy, "A Macroeconomic Model with a Financial Sector", SIAM Review, 104(2): 379–421, 2014 ↩