This is the main interface to construct the PDE system to solve.
class PDEModel(name: str,
config: Dict[str, Any] = DEFAULT_CONFIG,
latex_var_mapping: Dict[str, str] = {})
Initialize a PDEModel with the provided name and config.
- name: str, name of the PDE model.
- config: Dict[str, Any], defines the training configuration. Check Constants for default values.
- batch_size: int
- num_epochs: int
- lr: float, learning rate for optimizer
- loss_log_interval: int, the interval at which loss should be reported/recorded
- optimizer_type: OptimizerType.Adam, OptimizerType.AdamW or OptimizerType.LBFGS
- sampling_method: SamplingMethod.UniformRandom, SamplingMethod.FixedGrid, SamplingMethod.ActiveLearning
- refinement_sample_interval: int,
- loss_balancing: bool, use Relative Loss Balancing with Random Lookback (ReLoBRaLo) for loss weight update
- bernoulli_prob: float, parameter for loss balancing
- loss_balancing_temp: float, parameter for loss balancing
- loss_balancing_alpha: float, parameter for loss balancing
- soft_adapt_interval: int, if larger than 0, use soft adapt for loss weight update, and the value is set to be the look-back interval.
- loss_soft_attention: bool, use soft attention for grid-wise loss weight updates.
- latex_var_mapping: Dict[str, str], it should include all possible latex to python name conversions. Otherwise latex parsing will fail. Can be omitted if all the input equations/formula are not in latex form. For details, check
Set the state variables ("grid") of the problem. By default, the constraints will be [-1, 1] (for easier sampling). Only rectangular regions are supported. Once an agent or endogenous variable has been added, calling set_state will raise an error.set_state_constraints
Overwrite the constraints for state variables, without changing the number of state variables. This can be used after adding an agent or endogenous variable and after loading a pre-trained model.add_param
Add a single parameter (constant in the PDE system) with name and value.add_params
Add a dictionary of parameters (constants in the PDE system) for the system.add_agent
def add_agent(self, name: str,
config: Dict[str, Any] = DEFAULT_LEARNABLE_VAR_CONFIG,
Add a single Agent, with relevant config of neural network representation. If called before states are set, should raise an error.
- name: unique identifier of agent.
- Config: specifies number of layers/hidden units of the neural network. Check Constants for default values.
- overwrite: overwrite the previous agent with the same name, used for loading, default: False
Add multiple Agents at the same time, each with different configurations.add_agent_condition
def add_agent_condition(self, name: str,
lhs: str, lhs_state: Dict[str, torch.Tensor],
comparator: Comparator,
rhs: str, rhs_state: Dict[str, torch.Tensor],
label: str=None,
weight: float=1.0,
loss_reduction: LossReductionMethod=LossReductionMethod.MSE):
- name: str, agent name,
- lhs: str, the string expression for lhs formula, latex expression not supported, should be functions of specific format agent_name(SV), or simply a constant value
- lhs_state: Dict[str, torch.Tensor], the specific value of SV to evaluate lhs at for the agent/endogenous variable
- comparator: Comparator
- rhs: str, the string expression for lhs formula, latex expression not supported, should be functions of specific format agent_name(SV), or simply a constant value
- rhs_state: Dict[str, torch.Tensor], the specific value of SV to evaluate rhs at for the agent/endogenous variable, if rhs is a constant, this can be an empty dictionary
- label: str label for the condition, by default, it will self-increment
,... - weight: float, weight in total loss computation
- loss_reduction: LossReductionMethod,
for mean squared error, orLossReductionMethod.MAE
for mean absolute error
def add_endog(self, name: str,
config: Dict[str, Any] = DEFAULT_LEARNABLE_VAR_CONFIG,
Add a single EndogVar, with relevant config of neural network representation. If called before states are set, should raise an error.
- name: unique identifier of the endogenous variable.
- Config: specifies number of layers/hidden units of the neural network. Check Constants for default values.
- overwrite: overwrite the previous endogenous variable with the same name, used for loading, default: False
Add multiple EndogVars at the same time, each with different configurations.add_endog_condition
def add_endog_condition(self, name: str,
lhs: str, lhs_state: Dict[str, torch.Tensor],
comparator: Comparator,
rhs: str, rhs_state: Dict[str, torch.Tensor],
label: str=None,
weight: float=1.0,
loss_reduction: LossReductionMethod=LossReductionMethod.MSE):
- name: str, agent name,
- lhs: str, the string expression for lhs formula, latex expression not supported, should be functions of specific format agent_name(SV), or simply a constant value
- lhs_state: Dict[str, torch.Tensor], the specific value of SV to evaluate lhs at for the agent/endogenous variable
- comparator: Comparator
- rhs: str, the string expression for lhs formula, latex expression not supported, should be functions of specific format agent_name(SV), or simply a constant value
- rhs_state: Dict[str, torch.Tensor], the specific value of SV to evaluate rhs at for the agent/endogenous variable, if rhs is a constant, this can be an empty dictionary
- label: str label for the condition, by default, it will self-increment
,... - weight: float, weight in total loss computation
- loss_reduction: LossReductionMethod,
for mean squared error, orLossReductionMethod.MAE
for mean absolute error
Add an equation to define a new variable.
def add_endog_equation(self, eq: str, label: str=None, weight=1.0, loss_reduction: LossReductionMethod=LossReductionMethod.MSE)
Add an endogenous equation for loss computation.
def add_constraint(self, lhs: str, comparator: Comparator, rhs: str, label: str=None, weight=1.0, loss_reduction: LossReductionMethod=LossReductionMethod.MSE)
Add a constraint for loss computation.
def add_hjb_equation(self, eq: str, label: str=None, weight=1.0, loss_reduction: LossReductionMethod=LossReductionMethod.MSE)
Add an HJB Equation for loss computation.
Add a System for loss computation.
This function overwrites the existing configurations. Can be used for L-BFGS finetuning
def train_model(self, model_dir: str="./", filename: str=None, full_log=False, variables_to_track: List[str]=[]):
The entire loop of training
- model_dir: str, the directory to save the model. If the directory doesn't exist, it will be created automatically.
- filename: str, the filename of the model, it will be the prefix for loss table and log file.
- full_log: bool, whether or not log all individual losses in the log file.
- variables_to_track: List[str], variables to keep track of.
The entire loop of evaluation
Check that all the equations/constraints given are valid. If not, log the errors in a file, and raise an ultimate error.
Save all the agents, endogenous variables (pytorch model and configurations), and all other configurations of the PDE model.
- model_dir: str, the directory to save the model
- filename: str, the filename to save the model without suffix, default:
Load all the agents, endogenous variables (pytorch model and configurations) from the dictionary.
- vars_to_plot: List[str], variable names to plot, can be an equation defining a new variable. If Latex, need to be enclosed by $$ symbols
- ncols: int, number of columns to plot, default: 4
- elev, azim, roll: view angles for 3D plots. See Matplotlib Document for details.